How to reduce or completely stop snoring?

The dangers of snoring

the dangers of snoring

According to recent research,snoring can directly lead to a stroke.It seems that vibrations in the upper airways occurring during snoring trigger the formation of plaque in the two large carotid arteries that speed vital oxygen-rich blood directly from the heart to the thirsty brain.

A larger study of 110 patients at the Westmead Hospital in Sydney showed that plaque formation depends greatly on the intensity of snoring. Compared with non-snorers, carotid artery constriction was found in 20% of mild snorers, 32% in moderate snorers and a disturbing 64% in heavy snorers. In both these investigations higher risks were there whether the snorers had sleep apnea or not.In addition,not only is snoring a high risk to the one creating all the noise, it is dangerous for their partners too.

More serious is that snoring affects maternal and fetal healthCompared with healthy pregnant women, the prevalence of OSAHS in early and late pregnancy of pregnant women with snoring was 10.5% and 26.7%, respectively.

Studies on high-risk pregnant women (including chronic hypertension,preeclampsia, GDM, obesity before pregnancy, or a history of poor pregnancy) have shown that the prevalence of OSAHS in the first, second, and late pregnancy is 30.4%, 33.3%, and 32.0%, respectively.

Women with OSAHS have a three-fold increase in the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension (including eclampsia) and gestational diabetes.

Intermittent hypoxia of the mother during pregnancy can also lead to fetal growth restriction, premature delivery, stillbirth, low birth weight infants and the chance of neonatal asphyxia

So how can we do to reduce and stop snoring? Please keep reading on…

The methods to reduce or completely stop snoring

1.Try to lose weight:

on a diet
Consider losing some weight if you're overweight. Slimming often stops snoring. In a person who is a moderate snorer loses weight, the snoring becomes less loud and, in some people, even it disappears.As little as 5 to 8 pounds -- has been shown to decrease, if not eliminate, snoring.

2.Avoid smoking and alcohol before sleeping:
Drinking alcohol or smoking tend to be snorers .They cause muscles near the airway to slacken,which makes them more likely to vibrate and produce snoring.

3.Avoid sleeping pills or other sedatives
Sleeping pills make you sleep, Although they put you to sleep, they relax your neck muscles, making your snoring worse. Anything which helps the tissues around the head and neck will tend to make snoring even worse. Even antihistamines will do it.

4.Try to use CPAP products

CPAP mask

CPAP mask shows that the affected ones use while they sleep, provides continuous air through a mask, and prevents the tracks from closing. In this way, with using of CPAP nasal pillows, they sleep more and better which prevents them from suffering daytime sleepiness and its consequences, in addition to improving other pathologies associated with this disorder such as hypertension, heart failure, stroke, and ischemic heart disease.

Speaking of CPAP product,the CPAP mask of has positive effective to avoid snoring.It Adapting to different faces.easy to wear with a headgear,more venting holes to reduce noise and effectively disperse airflow.Using CPAP product is the best and most convenient way to avoiding snoring.

5.Sleep on your side
Try to sleep on your side. Heavy snorers snore in virtually any position, but moderate snorers only snore when they are on their backs. One helpful trick is to sew a pocket onto the back of your nightclothes and insert a tennis ball. This will make it uncomfortable for you to lie on your back -- and prompt you to turn on your side during sleep.

6.Get a surgery
Suitable for patients with mild to moderate snoring without obesity, such as tonsil hypertrophy, adenoid hypertrophy, long soft palate, excessive uvula sagging, wide posterior pharyngeal column, submucosal fat deposition in the pharyngeal wall, loose soft palate, and hypertrophy of the pharyngeal lymphatic ring, etc. Snoring caused by problems, but there is a possibility of recurrence after surgery

7.Schedules Are Important
Healthy sleeping habits contribute to the prevention of snoring, so go to bed at the same time each night and make sure that you get plenty of rest. Keep in mind that going to bed too tired contributes to your snoring problem.If you are struggling to find a solution to your snoring dilemma and tired of keeping your loved ones awake all night, just give our Stop Snoring Program a try.

Try these remedies, I hope they will help.